About Us:
National Mental Health Commission: Terms of Reference
The Commission was established to act as advisor, facilitator, enabler and supporter of the National Approach to the Mental Health Reform Programme. The Terms of Reference of the Commission are:
i. To develop a vision of services needed and to provide strategic direction for the national mental health programme at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of care
ii. To review and update the National Mental Health Policy
iii. To formulate a Strategic Plan for National Mental Health services based on the following priority areas:
a.   General Hospital Services b.  Community Based Mental Health Services c.  General Hospital Services d.  Psychiatric Hospital Services e.  Rehabilitation Services f.  Specialists Mental Health services g.  Mental Health Promotion h.  Support Services and Interlink-age i.  Supported Housing j.  Human Resources Development k.  Financing l.  Monitoring and Researchvii. To provide an annual report to the Minister of Health on the state of Mental Health
v.To collaborate with representatives of all stake holders, including service users, care providers, community and voluntary organizations, mental health service providers, key representatives from the Ministry of Health and other Government departments, to create working partnerships for the improvement of Mental Health care in the community
vi. To be guided by the National Mental Health Policy and the Draft National Mental Health Plan
vii. To seek technical assistance from Regional and International agencies for the development of Mental Health Services
viii. To be accountable to the Minister of Health through the Chairman who shall be responsible for the overall management, direction and functioning of the Commission ix. To appoint a Deputy Chairman who shall be responsible in the absence of the Chairman x. To convene monthly meetings with a minimum of ten meetings per financial year
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Upcoming Events
SUNDAY 7 - Church Service – St. Stephen'sAnglican Church Black Rock, St. Michael @ 8:30 a.m.
WEDNESDAY 10 World Mental Health Day –Mornin' Barbados CBC TV Channel 8
FRIDAY 12 Panel Discussion –"Depression Can Affect Any"
Queen's Park Steel Shed @ 7:30 p.m.
SATURDAY 13 - Health FairHeroes Square from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m
MONDAY 15- Presentation on "Depression"
Gall Hill Polyclinic @ 9:00 a.m.